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P.O.W.E.R Workshop: Delegate's Perspective

Cindyann Currency

Cherron Inko-Tariah MBE delivered a P.O.W.E.R workshop for the Black and Minority Ethnic Network at the University of Westminster recently. Cindyann Currency (network business support) shares her thoughts on the session.

The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network of the University of Westminster, is at it again. As part of the Network’s plans to strengthen its operations and build resilience, the Board underwent a Governance and Capacity Building training.

The workshop was designed to guide and equip the Board with tools to understand the purpose and power of an effective Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff network.

Those present were enthralled with the presentation that also touched on effective meeting management, stakeholder engagement and how to develop the most effective work plan to optimise efficiencies.

The training also explored fundamental expectations and key requirements for those who serve at a strategic level -collectively as an advisory team and individually as board members. This culminating with the conclusion that the success of the network is grounded in the foundation work and efforts of everyone working toward its success.

The three-hour training session was facilitated by renowned consultant and author of ‘The Incredible Power of Staff Networks’, Cherron Inko-Tariah.


About Cindyann Currency: Cindy is a full time master student pursuing her degree in Media, Campaigning and Social Change.As a student helper, she provides support to the Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) team and Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network at Westminster.She is passionate about CSR and it's place in creating social change.

About the BME Network: The BME Staff Network at the University of Westminster was established in 2016 and was designed to provide support to BME staff, work alongside the University to ensure that the inclusion and equality perspective is being proactively addressed in policy and procedures and to add value to diversity at Westminster. The Board comprises nine academic and professional staff across the University who meet bi-monthly to review strategic objectives, plan events and provide updates.

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